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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Story Time

Ran into an old friend yesterday from GA, crazy how small the world is!

Anyway, I have a couple stories for your entertainment...

1.  In honor of Thanksgiving, I'll start with a story about how grateful I am for Air Force pilots being well trained and damn good at what they do.  So, I mentioned before how when I flew in to this place they thought the plane was going to explode.  Well, I got more details about that particular event.  Turns out this story is also about how grateful I am to be alive...  The plane (C-130) had lost all of it's engines except for one, and that one was sputtering in and out, so that's why they were dumping the fuel.  The plane was unbalanced b/c it didn't have an engine on the one side, so they were dumping fuel to try to balance it back out...and to provide for less fuel in case the plane exploded upon impact, f'n great.  But here's the amazing part, I was on that plane rocking out to some Carrie Underwood on my ipod & I never had any clue that these pilots were literally landing this thing with basically 1/2 an engine and zero fuel.  Absolutely amazing.  Now, I'm not a pilot, so how accurate all of this is, I'll never know, but I got the info from the LRO who was on the ground watching it all go down and listening to the radio chatter (apparently there was quite the crowd gathered b/c everyone who could hear what was going on was running out to help if this thing crashed).  So, as you sit around the turkey dinner discussing what you're grateful for this year, please give a shout out to those pilots for me. 

2.  Now this one is just funny, and so typical me in my own little world.  So there I was strolling down the hallway in our HQ bldg, minding my own business, and I hear someone say something behind me but I don't think they're talking to me.  Then I hear someone holler much louder at me, so I stop and turn around to see our top dog commander walking towards me.  He says, "what's your name", I respond Heather.  He says, "Heather what?".  I say Heather blah blah blah.  He says, "Heather blah blah blah, do you know you almost killed me yesterday"?  Immediately in my head I'm thinking oh shit I almost ran over my freaking commander.  But then I realize, wait a min, no I didn't drive yesterday.  So, I think he's kidding around and respond half laughing "oh yeah Sir, how did I almost kill you".  He says, with a stone cold serious face, "No you almost f'n killed me yesterday".  Oh shit, not funny anymore.  So, of course "how Sir?".  He says, "Yesterday, in the gym, you walked behind my treadmill and I was running about 9.0 and you stepped on the cord to my treadmill and it immediately stopped".  OOOOOOHHHHHH SHIT!!!!! My eyes get huge and I say, "oh Sir, I'm SO sorry, I had no idea, I-uh-I have nothing to say other than I'm so sorry".  He says, "yeah I know you didn't know b/c you got on your treadmill and immediately started running and since I didn't know your name I didn't say anything, but now I know your name.  Heather blah blah blah".  I say, "yes Sir, again, I'm so sorry".  So he walks off into his office saying "Heather blah blah blah".  Damn.  Now in my defense, in the gym there are a row of treadmills up against the wall.  There's about a foot of space between the treadmills and the wall, and there is zero space between them, they're literally touching each other side by side.  In this scenario, the boss was on the treadmill on one end and there was another guy at the other end, so literally the ONLY way for me to get to a treadmill was to walk behind the machines.  There's this foam stuff on top of all of the cords behind the machines to prevent tripping, so apparently when I stepped on the foam it hit the cord just right and pulled it right out the way, and I honestly did not have a clue or even notice he stopped running...  damn.  hahaha.  Note to self, if the boss is on a treadmill, come back later, haha. 

Happy Thanksgiving all!  and GO BUCKS!!! 

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