The content of this blog does not reflect on any views, opinions, or positions of the United States government or the Department of Defense. They are my own personal thoughts, feelings, and ideas.

Saturday, October 6, 2012


The intent if this blog is to share my deployment experience with the people I love. The contents of this blog are my own personal thoughts, feelings, and ideas and do not reflect any position of the United States government, the Department of Defense, or anything in between, they are solely my opinions and my experience. This is not a place for you to leave your comments to express your political views or your opinion of the war. Honestly, I just don't give a shit about what you think of the current, past, or future Administration. I take my orders from the Commander in Chief, period. If you want my orders to change, go vote. I want this to be a place to share experiences with people I love.  If that's not you, move on, if that is you & you feel the need to tell someone about how you feel about the President, go tell it to someone on Facebook like the rest of the world, I just don't care, not where I'm going.

The next disclaimer is for all of my fellow Airmen, Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines who may stumble upon this. I mean absolutely zero disrespect toward you or your deployment experiences. I am very girly, I am in a career field many do not care for, and in a branch of Service you may think is not as tough as yours.  This is simply my blog & these are my experiences.  You can form whatever opinions you want about me, just do not ever think that I represent some broader stereotype or demographic.  The people I work with and have worked with are some of the absolute finest individuals society has to offer, and they have been to and been through some incredible deployments & endured more than I could ever dream of.  They run circles around me everyday &
I consider myself truly blessed to have known them all. I know you have done some absolutely incredible things & I hear your stories everyday & I'm so so proud of all of you. Please understand that if I talk about a shitty day or being in a shitty location, I absolutely know you've all been in much shittier locations & had much shittier days.  All I ask is for you to try to understand that just because you're somewhere worse & had a worse day doesn't mean mine wasn't bad for me in relation to my experiences. If I talk about something being awesome, well I'm just plain sorry if you don't have the same. God bless you & thank you for your service.

Finally, names and locations will be changed out of respect for people's privacy and our safety.  I will refer to being in locations of beautiful white sandy beaches or perhaps cruising the Mediterranean, but please know that is all bullshit.  If you know me, you know where I am, and if you don't, well, think whatever you want. 

I love you all, let the adventures begin!

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