The content of this blog does not reflect on any views, opinions, or positions of the United States government or the Department of Defense. They are my own personal thoughts, feelings, and ideas.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Show and Tell

I finally was able to upload some pics, so here's a few of the festivities in this part of the world...

So, we have to burn everything out here, we don't throw anything away.  But one of the other guys in my office and I have become a little obsessed.  We have a problem.  We get SO pissed when someone else burns our boxes because we stash them for a good solid week until we know we have enough for a big burn.  Then we go out to this burn barrel and build a tower out of the trash and then light it on fire (big shout out to my sister for the lighter) and see how high we can get the flame.  This picture was from back in the beginning, so we were still amateurs, but now our flame's a blazin! Hey, before you go judging me just know there is NOTHING to do here for entertainment, so you gotta get it where you can. 
Holy shit!  So there I was, driving down the road and I see this!!!  I start screaming at the driver, stop the car, stop the f'n car!  Everyone else in the car has no idea what's happening, I JUMP out of the car mid-roll and run to this car & snap this photo!  I mean let's face it, this was a once in a lifetime opportunity out here!  Now meanwhile, everyone in the car now has their weapons pointed at me and they want to take me out b/c I've scared the shit out of them, but hey it was worth it.  GO BUCKS!! 

My aunt sent this to me, how cute is that!?  She took pictures from my whole life and laminated them and added a ribbon to hang them.  This is sitting on my desk in my office, it may stay up the whole time I'm here, haha, we'll see where the wind blows me.  You can also see the mad stash of goodies behind the tree on our shelf that you've all been sending me.  Cannot say THANK YOU enough!  I've been given the nickname of "one-a-day" since I get a package almost everyday, mad love comin from the good ol' U, S, of A. 
We get these cute cards from little kids all the time and I'm obsessed.  This is a little puzzle that came in a little baggie with an adorable letter.  These jackasses (totally kidding) were like "oh that's nice" and set it off to the side.  I pitched a huge fit & INSISTED on putting it together because little Zoe (yes Zoe, that really was her name, so obvi I instantly loved her) worked hard on it for us!  So now it's together and we wrote her a letter back and included this picture.  I'm also happy to report that this puzzle is still together and proudly displayed in our office :) Thanks Zoe, where ever you are! 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Story Time

Ran into an old friend yesterday from GA, crazy how small the world is!

Anyway, I have a couple stories for your entertainment...

1.  In honor of Thanksgiving, I'll start with a story about how grateful I am for Air Force pilots being well trained and damn good at what they do.  So, I mentioned before how when I flew in to this place they thought the plane was going to explode.  Well, I got more details about that particular event.  Turns out this story is also about how grateful I am to be alive...  The plane (C-130) had lost all of it's engines except for one, and that one was sputtering in and out, so that's why they were dumping the fuel.  The plane was unbalanced b/c it didn't have an engine on the one side, so they were dumping fuel to try to balance it back out...and to provide for less fuel in case the plane exploded upon impact, f'n great.  But here's the amazing part, I was on that plane rocking out to some Carrie Underwood on my ipod & I never had any clue that these pilots were literally landing this thing with basically 1/2 an engine and zero fuel.  Absolutely amazing.  Now, I'm not a pilot, so how accurate all of this is, I'll never know, but I got the info from the LRO who was on the ground watching it all go down and listening to the radio chatter (apparently there was quite the crowd gathered b/c everyone who could hear what was going on was running out to help if this thing crashed).  So, as you sit around the turkey dinner discussing what you're grateful for this year, please give a shout out to those pilots for me. 

2.  Now this one is just funny, and so typical me in my own little world.  So there I was strolling down the hallway in our HQ bldg, minding my own business, and I hear someone say something behind me but I don't think they're talking to me.  Then I hear someone holler much louder at me, so I stop and turn around to see our top dog commander walking towards me.  He says, "what's your name", I respond Heather.  He says, "Heather what?".  I say Heather blah blah blah.  He says, "Heather blah blah blah, do you know you almost killed me yesterday"?  Immediately in my head I'm thinking oh shit I almost ran over my freaking commander.  But then I realize, wait a min, no I didn't drive yesterday.  So, I think he's kidding around and respond half laughing "oh yeah Sir, how did I almost kill you".  He says, with a stone cold serious face, "No you almost f'n killed me yesterday".  Oh shit, not funny anymore.  So, of course "how Sir?".  He says, "Yesterday, in the gym, you walked behind my treadmill and I was running about 9.0 and you stepped on the cord to my treadmill and it immediately stopped".  OOOOOOHHHHHH SHIT!!!!! My eyes get huge and I say, "oh Sir, I'm SO sorry, I had no idea, I-uh-I have nothing to say other than I'm so sorry".  He says, "yeah I know you didn't know b/c you got on your treadmill and immediately started running and since I didn't know your name I didn't say anything, but now I know your name.  Heather blah blah blah".  I say, "yes Sir, again, I'm so sorry".  So he walks off into his office saying "Heather blah blah blah".  Damn.  Now in my defense, in the gym there are a row of treadmills up against the wall.  There's about a foot of space between the treadmills and the wall, and there is zero space between them, they're literally touching each other side by side.  In this scenario, the boss was on the treadmill on one end and there was another guy at the other end, so literally the ONLY way for me to get to a treadmill was to walk behind the machines.  There's this foam stuff on top of all of the cords behind the machines to prevent tripping, so apparently when I stepped on the foam it hit the cord just right and pulled it right out the way, and I honestly did not have a clue or even notice he stopped running...  damn.  hahaha.  Note to self, if the boss is on a treadmill, come back later, haha. 

Happy Thanksgiving all!  and GO BUCKS!!! 

Saturday, November 10, 2012

I've been here for a couple of weeks now, so lemme share the adventures thus far...

Travel to the AOR.  I left in the afternoon on a Thursday and made it to my destination late Saturday evening.  We made several stops along the way and spent a few hours on the ground at each and I can say with great confidence that if anyone is deploying anytime soon just know that you will be fed plenty.  There was no shortage of food anywhere (which was a big concern of mine).  Now, let me also caveat that statement with not, under any circumstance, ever, eat the alfredo pasta.  Ever!  On one of the 7 1/2 hour legs of the trip 50% of us (the 50% that did not heed the above advice) had food poisoning.  Seriously the worst 7 hours of my life.  Stuck on an airplane with 300 of your closest friends and 6 bueno.  muy muy malo.  Worst 7 hours of my life, fo shizzle. 

Another lesson learned so far, do not ever believe anything a logistics planner tells you.  Ever.  And I assure you it really is no fault of their own, the movement to and from the AOR is such a cluster that they never stand a chance.  So, the lesson learned is just that if they tell you you're not on this flight, assume you are.  If they tell you you're only going to be in the AOR for 7 days, 30 days later you can go ahead and request permanent billeting.  At one of my stops, I'm at a mass briefing to find out what flight I'm on to get to my final destination.  They go down the list of names of folks going to my same location, they're flight time is 2:30pm the next day.  There were 5 of us left who were going to the exact same location and to the same unit who were not scheduled on that flight, or any other flight for that matter.  So, we ask the question, what about about us?  They tell us they aren't sure and to come back at noon the next day and they'd figure it out.  Ok, so I go to sleep, take my time wandering around the next day, show up at noon.  Turns out this noon meeting was solely because they had lost complete accountability of who was at this particular location and who needed to go where, so they just had us all show up at noon so they could get eyes on and figure out what was going on.  They call the 5 of us going to same location up to the front and tell us that we need to be on this 2:30pm flight (shocker), and oh by the way, you have 30 min to get packed, turn your linens in, and get the f on that plane before it leaves your ass.  Great.  So, of course it's complete madness and we get out to the plane in time, have to leave some of our gear behind because there wasn't enough time to get it all (it was shipped to us later)....and then we sit there for an hour because the plane was late coming in...of course it was.  Then we fly to the final destination, all seems to go well...that is until we step off the ramp of the aircraft and we're surrounded by fire trucks & ambulances.  I think to myself, hmm, that's odd, but maybe that's just how we roll over here, I mean I've never been here, idk.  Oh no, the plane was leaking so much fuel they thought it was going to explode upon landing...perfect.  Welcome home. 

Week 1 was definitely the worst.  Every day individually flies by, but when I'd realized I'd only been here for one week it felt like it had been an eternity and coming to the realization that it'd only been a week was terrible.  Thankfully, that felling has worn off and now the days and weeks seem to be going by faster since I've got a routine down. 

Other tidbits of lessons learned:
1.  Women are much nastier and most would assume.  Yuck.  Seriously ppl, what do your homes look like? 
2.  If I catch one more person not taking a combat shower (get wet, turn the water off, shampoo, turn the water on to rinse, turn the water back off) I'm going to freak out.  I have not have one freaking hot shower since I've been here and let me just tell you, bitches get crazy over some hot water...
3.  If you like to hit snooze, forget about it.  You'll get slapped by somebody if you think you're going to lay in a room with all those other ppl and snooze for a few.  Your shit will get thrown out in the hall (seen it happen). 
4.  If the food looks funky, it is. 
5.  Kleenexes and phone cards are you bartering tools.  You want something over here, you better find out how you can hook up a fellow service member before you go asking for favors, haha.

And finally, there is no gut wrenching pain the world like when you wake up in the morning and see the U.S. flag lowered to half-staff.  Never forget and be grateful every single day that you wake up and are surrounded by people you love. 

Monday, October 8, 2012

Information Overload

Ok folks, seriously somebody has GOT to create a manual for this crap or something.  You'd think after 11 years in the same war we'd of figured this out by now.  Here's a taste of the absolute information overload you're expected to remember:

First up are hundreds of hours of computer based training (CBTs).  Ok, hundreds is a little dramatic, but it's a lot.  And they are this little interactive army dude coming out asking you questions.  "If evading capture, would you hide in A) the cave, B) the woods, or C) run screaming like a little bitch down the hill".  C, for sure C.  "I'm sorry, you have been captured and can no longer return with honor".  Ah, shit, lemme try again!  hahaha.  Or, the CBT teaching you basic phrases in the native language.  Look, I was raised outside of Louisville, KY...I can't speak English like I'm supposed to, let alone some shit I've never heard in my whole life!  "please repeat after me, haba blah blah blah".  Ok, baba boo blah.  "I'm sorry, that is incorrect.  Please repeat after me...".  Yeah, whatever bro, don't judge me.  Next.

So, then you move on to the hands on stuff.  Lemme just tell you, this instructor almost died.  So, I show up for firing class.  This particular weapon I was firing, I'd never seen, held, touched, nothing in my life.  So, I tell the guys up front, "look bro, not only did I ride the short bus to school everyday, I was the kid licking the window.  So, if you need to go ahead and pull up a chair next to me, you need to just go ahead and do that".  Class goes well, we go out to the firing range, I'm feeling pretty good.  Round 1, 0 shots on the target.  hmm, ok, lemme try again.  40 rounds later, 0 on the target.  Now, let me just say, I'm not a great shot, but I can hit the damn piece of paper!  So this guy has the balls to come up to me and say, "ok, now when you look at the target, what do you see".  I'm like what do you mean what do I see, I see the freaking target!  He goes, "well do you see a little black circle with a dot in the middle".  Omg, I'm going to beat you with this weapon!  Yes I see the freaking iron sights a-hole!!!  So, then I lose it a little, and shove the weapon at him, look you shoot it, I'm not that stupid, you freaking shoot the weapon.  After some arguing he humbles me and shoots it 3 times.  0 on the target.  OOOOOHHHH!!!  NOW he says oh there's something wrong with this gun!  uuuuuhhhhh.  Whatever, it all gets sorted out (yes! there was a problem with the weapon) and I qualify. 

Now I get handed a list of all the gear I need.  Ok, now I'm thinking, oh I GOT this, if I can do anything, I can shop!  Bring it on.  So, I go to the special issue store, a clerk takes my list, and we go around the store as they throw the stuff in my cart and mark the items off the list.   Wtf.  I'm looking at these foreign objects which I have never seen in my life.  Excuse me, what am I supposed to do with that?  What the hell is that?  This is a what?  And this very nice clerk quickly explained things over his shoulder as I chase after him attempting to take mental notes of it all.  Yeah right.  I resorted to saving all of the labels so I can read the instructions later.  Then come the choices.  There's a wall of flashlights, which one would you like?  Hell, idk, which one do I need.  They say, just pick one.  Ok, I picked.  Then come the backpacks, do you want green, brown, multicam pattern, abu pattern, or black.  OMG!  IDK!!  Again, the clerk gives me the run down on the pros and cons of each.  I have no idea, I went with black, forget it. 

So, now that I'm a trained warrior, I've got the on to the packing....
Enough Said.  Disaster zone.  I thought it was never going to end.  Not to mention, I insisted on washing absolutely EVERYTHING before I packed it.  I mean, I've heard your stuff doesn't really get clean in the laundry over there.  I just like the idea of at least starting out with a clean shirt.  No?  Too much?  oh Jesus...
Gordy just wants to make sure the important stuff gets in :)

I've resorted to keeping paper with me at all times to write down the never ending to do list running through my brain, and the endless questions I need to ask someone, anyone, who's done this before.  Make sure to order the special laundry detergent online, find Gordy a home, pack everything I own in those space saver bags, ship everything (b/c God knows I'm not carrying that shit), go buy new sweatpants b/c I accidentally packed & shipped every pair I own, change Birchbox delivery address so I can continue to receive beauty products over there, etc.  Ya know, the important stuff ;)

Sometimes you just gotta give it a little "Jesus take the wheel" and what will be will be.  Expect emails from me, Ahhh!! I forgot________ :) ...or, hey can I send some crap to your house to store b/c I brought WAY too much! 

Saturday, October 6, 2012


The intent if this blog is to share my deployment experience with the people I love. The contents of this blog are my own personal thoughts, feelings, and ideas and do not reflect any position of the United States government, the Department of Defense, or anything in between, they are solely my opinions and my experience. This is not a place for you to leave your comments to express your political views or your opinion of the war. Honestly, I just don't give a shit about what you think of the current, past, or future Administration. I take my orders from the Commander in Chief, period. If you want my orders to change, go vote. I want this to be a place to share experiences with people I love.  If that's not you, move on, if that is you & you feel the need to tell someone about how you feel about the President, go tell it to someone on Facebook like the rest of the world, I just don't care, not where I'm going.

The next disclaimer is for all of my fellow Airmen, Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines who may stumble upon this. I mean absolutely zero disrespect toward you or your deployment experiences. I am very girly, I am in a career field many do not care for, and in a branch of Service you may think is not as tough as yours.  This is simply my blog & these are my experiences.  You can form whatever opinions you want about me, just do not ever think that I represent some broader stereotype or demographic.  The people I work with and have worked with are some of the absolute finest individuals society has to offer, and they have been to and been through some incredible deployments & endured more than I could ever dream of.  They run circles around me everyday &
I consider myself truly blessed to have known them all. I know you have done some absolutely incredible things & I hear your stories everyday & I'm so so proud of all of you. Please understand that if I talk about a shitty day or being in a shitty location, I absolutely know you've all been in much shittier locations & had much shittier days.  All I ask is for you to try to understand that just because you're somewhere worse & had a worse day doesn't mean mine wasn't bad for me in relation to my experiences. If I talk about something being awesome, well I'm just plain sorry if you don't have the same. God bless you & thank you for your service.

Finally, names and locations will be changed out of respect for people's privacy and our safety.  I will refer to being in locations of beautiful white sandy beaches or perhaps cruising the Mediterranean, but please know that is all bullshit.  If you know me, you know where I am, and if you don't, well, think whatever you want. 

I love you all, let the adventures begin!