The content of this blog does not reflect on any views, opinions, or positions of the United States government or the Department of Defense. They are my own personal thoughts, feelings, and ideas.

Friday, February 1, 2013


We got our 1st REAL snow!  It was awesome!  The snowflakes here are HUGE.  I'm not sure this next picture does it full justice, but trust me, one snowflake clump is somewhere between the size of a quarter and small lime.  It's ridiculous!  Now...finding out your boots aren't water proof...not so awesome.  But hey, live and learn, and I got a new pair of boots, so we're g2g now :)

Now, before I explain the next adventure you have to understand what you have to go through to get liquids shipped here.  It's crazytown.  Legit companies won't do it b/c the U.S.P.S says you can't...blah blah blah.  So you have to get creative with the companies and find one willing to break the rules to get liquids here.  Now, you also have to understand that the water here that we shower in might as well be a toxic swimming pool because the bleach and chlorine content has to be SO high just so the water is safe enough to even touch your skin.  Do you know what showering in that every single day does to a girl's hair?  No bueno.  So, I went on the hunt to the ends of the internet for a company willing to ship international some haircare products to save me from going bald.  After several weeks, I found one!  After waiting another 2-3 weeks for deliver, my prize possession arrived in the mail.  This hair salon even took the time to tape up the bottle in hopes of it not leaking, lied on the customs sheet in order to get it here, I mean they really went above and beyond.  I was elated.  After using my treasure twice, I accidently left it in the bathroom.  Typically, things left in the bathroom mean they are free for the taking [when ppl go back home, etc they don't feel like taking it back with them..huge paid, so they just leave it for the other ladies], but that was NOT the case here!!  After ALL that work getting this stupid stuff here, and then someone TOOK it!!!  I was devastated, so I took matters into my own hands...

I posted these in every single bathroom and shower on this camp.  Days went Redken...  but then, New Year's Day, I walk into my room and sitting on my bed...

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!  [note on top of the poster].  Someone had returned it to the bathroom where I had left it and my roommate found it sitting there, calling my name, barely used!!!  So she snatched it and put it on my bed to wait patiently for me :) I have a good feeling about 2013 :)

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